The compliance starts here
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic WU9VUl9DTElFTlRfSUQ6WU9VUl9TRUNSRVRfS0VZ
//your unique request reference
"reference" : "1234567",
//URL where you will receive the webhooks from Shufti Pro
"callback_url" : "",
//end-user email
"email" : "jo*****@ex*****.com",
//end-user country
"country" : "",
//what kind of proofs will be provided to Shufti Pro for verification?
"verification_mode": "any",
//allow end-user to upload verification proofs if the webcam is not accessible
"allow_offline": "1",
//allow end-user to upload real-time or already catured proofs
"allow_online": "1",
//privacy policy screen will be shown to end-user
"show_privacy_policy": "1",
//verification results screen will be shown to end-user
"show_results": "1",
//consent screen will not be shown to end-user
"show_consent": "0",
//User cannot send Feedback
"show_feedback_form": "0",
//face offsite verification
"face": {